My present time

My mind used to jump several lapses from now, imagining and making some abstract plan for both definite and undefined time. Yet there are always a time when i’m so tired with planning things, not because it’s boring or tiresome. But sometime, the abstract things becoming too abstract so that i cant even imagine.
Then i start to argue about what is it in my present time and what is it in my present mind. Sometime my mind just too wild to control, yet sometimes its too heavy and too lazy to do its job. To think.
I rarely be present in my present time. I often forgot in which stair i’m stepping in. Well, I always love my stair, though….

Ja, i’ll try to walk beside you, my present time…
#no procrastination…!
#penyakitlawasssss harus segera pergiiiii 😀


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4 Responses to My present time

  1. lamiang says:

    Like This!! jadi kangen untuk liat ida dan ngobrol, sambil ida banyar utang pempek untukku… hahahahahaha #ngarep!!!

    manusia tidak pernah akan melebihi kemanusiaannya, dimana manusia hanya bisa melihat dan merasakan apa yang telah dinyatakan-Nya… (just my thought 🙂 )


    • ida says:

      Kyaaaaaa….. ada hutang segala. hahaha… :p

      and we’ve been taught that Allah SWT will not give us problems beyond our ability. 😉


  2. Ratih Kusuma says:

    setuju,, sometimes karena mikirin masa depan terlalu berlebihan kita jadi melupakan kondisi kita sekarang ini, present time,, yang akhirnya ketika udah move kita miss masa yang dulu yang terlewatkan gitu aja. Jadi inget ada film apa gitu yang bilang “always prepare for the future, but you never fell what you have now. Itu sama sekali gada gunanya and hidup kayak gitu bukankah sangat meletihkan?”
    Just enjoy thiis present time, jalan beriringan tidak mendahului dan tidak membelakangi, well menurutku itu bakan lebih menyenangkan. And I’m trying that right now… Efeknya,, aku berasa lebih awet muda si,, no more bibir cemberut dan dahi berkerut.. hahhahah 😀


    • ida says:

      “Efeknya,, aku berasa lebih awet muda si,, no more bibir cemberut dan dahi berkerut..”
      hahaha, pantesan ya kamu selalu cantik… ^_^

      tp bener kok Tih, there is no time better than NOW. So, please live ur life now… 😉


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